Below is a little video from a few years ago, keeping family and friends entertained. I was volunteering to help frogs and toads cross a bicyle path during their spring migration.
In 2022 I joined a choir, for a number of reasons. The community aspect is very important but what interests me the most is that singing is like brain gym. It helps take my mind off everyday things, makes me both relaxed and focused. I also followed some singing lessons, a music theory course and learnt how to play the harmonica which is the only wind instrument where you draw as well as blow. If you play it well you simply breathe. Great exercise.
Email: donna AT peerpool DOT org
I accept encrypted email. My PGP public key can be found at
The key's fingerprint is:
0F7C 1DA8 5FE4 51DF 7691 D431 6D9E 864B F629 535E
My VPS (virtual private server) is hosted on hardware managed by the Soleus community. My websites cloud the internet from this machine.